5 Magic Hooks That Will Give You An Unfair Advantage In Almost 99% Of Conversations.

Use these 5 magic hooks to become a master communicator.

Chirag Malik
5 min readDec 1, 2023
Source: Freepik.com

The key to effective communication is to know exactly what to say, how to say it, and when to say it. A subtle change of words can make a huge difference in the outcome of a whole conversation.

These words are called Magic Words. These words talk straight to your subconscious brain. The subconscious brain is a powerful tool in decision-making. Our subconscious works as a binary system, either it’s a YES or a NO, there is no “MAYBE.”

Using words that talk to this part of the brain which works on reflex and is free from “maybes” can turn the conversation in your favor.

So let’s dive into the world of MAGIC WORDS.

  1. I’m Not Sure If It’s for You, But …
  • You can use this set of words to introduce any idea to just about anybody and anytime, that is 99% rejection-free. Opening a statement with these words causes the listener’s subconscious brain to hear. “There is no pressure here.”
  • By suggesting that they might not be interested, you naturally increase their curiosity towards the idea or the product. It fires an internal driver that tells them the decision to be made while the soft approach ensures this decision is unpressured and internal.
Source: Freepik.com

Example: I’m not sure if it’s for you, but this option is available for this month only and I would hate for you to miss out.

2. How Would You Feel If?

This set of words gets people excited about their future and gives them a reason to move either in the direction of the good news or away from the bad news.

  • People are motivated by one of two things, either to avoid a potential loss or to acquire a potential gain. The real world and the data tell us that people will work far harder to avoid a potential loss than they will to achieve a potential gain.
  • The more contrast you can create between where somebody does not want to be and where they hope to be, the more likely you are to get people to move and make a decision.
  • Humans are driven by emotions, not logic, something has to feel right before it ever makes sense. People make decisions based on what feels right first. If you can make it feel right, the rest is easy.

Example: How would you feel if you could predict the next move of your competitors?

3. I’m Guessing You Haven’t Gotten Around To?

  • You know the times when you have sent over the details and they had said that they’d get back to you or needed to consult with their seniors and now you have to fill the awkward gap and contact them for a follow-up.
  • These magic words can be a handy tool in situations where you are fearful of contacting the person for a follow-up. Instead of asking them how that went, allow them to save face, but also prevent them from making excuses.
  • This leaves them nowhere to go in the conversation other than where you would like them to go. They respond in one of two ways: either they feel proud that they have done what were promised, or they are embarrassed that they haven’t and make a new promise to set things right.

Example: I’m guessing you haven’t got around to making a decision yet?

4. Two Types Of People

  • Entrepreneurs, sales professionals, and business owners are often tasked with the responsibility of helping people make their minds up. These magic words work as decision catalysts by removing some of the choices and creating easy options.
  • Decisions become easier when choices are polarizing. Red or Blue, Beach or Mountains, Wine or Whiskey. All are simple decisions because the options are stark apart.
  • Your goal is to create such choices and allow the other person to pick.
  • Ask people to decide who they are: By saying “There are two types of people” which sparks their curiosity they want to know which one are they. Your role is to deliver two choices and make one of them stand out as the easy option.
Source: Freepik.com

Example: There are two types of people in this world: those who leave their financial success in the hands of their employers and those who take full responsibility and build their own futures.

5. The Good News …

  • These magic words provide you with a tool to spin a negative into a positive using a technique called labeling. The moment you apply a label to something, it becomes almost impossible for the other person in the conversation to take off that label.
  • When you use “The Good News” as a preface the other person automatically assumes it to be good news. With these magic words, you can turn a negative situation into a positive one. It can give a new direction to a conversation and zap negativity out of the situation.

Example: The good news is you already know that what you are doing is now not working, so what’s the harm in trying this?

Final Words: Quite often the decision between a customer choosing you over someone else depends on your ability to communicate your message with clarity.

So whether you are a freelancer, entrepreneur, solopreneur, or a corporate employee these hooks will help you take charge of the conversation and turn a NO into a YES.

If you want to learn more about these magic words then read “Exactly What to Say: The Magic Words for Influence and Impact by Phil M. Jones”

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Chirag Malik

Top writer on Medium, in Books, Social Media, Reading, Self Improvement, & Productivity. 90k+ Followers On Instagram. Mails At: booksmyrefuge101@gmail.com